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Wednesday, November 28, 2012
For public record: I do have OK times in Planetside 2. Really. Here, click to the full post and look at this.

See? I was on a leader board. Once.
During a session where almost no one was on after a long downtime, a large squad and I went from base to base, converting them one at a time. I even got to help organize the group! As you can see above, I was 3rd on this nearly empty server's Rust Mesa Lookout leader board on Indar. See? I can do well! I might not totally suck! I swear.

And then there's this.
Of course usually there are more then 5-10 total enemy players on a continent, at which point death becomes the norm. I may, at the end of this blog, be more familiar with the respawn points on Auraxis then anyone. Hey, something to strive for, right?