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Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Last night I played for over an hour and did... actually not that bad. I again followed a large herd of Republicans across the map. Here's the breakdown of how I did.

  • At the 32:30 mark, I had 0 kills, 0 deaths and a score of 2213.
  • At the 52:14 mark, I had 1 kill, 3 deaths and a score of 2714.
  • At the 1:05:00 mark, I had 5 kills, 4 deaths and a score of 4258.
Let's break that down.  The first half hour was uneventful as we capped mostly abandoned bases. It would appear that I got in trouble over the next 20 minutes but I was only shot to death once; two of those three deaths were from being ran the hell over by allied tanks. Thanks, guys. Way to look out for your brother in arms.

In the last 13 minutes I went on a solid run with four kills and only one death. This was mostly due to my being in a Lightning and killing those NC brats at close range. The first I killed was a heavy assault so that was tense, what with his rocket launcher. Later I chased a punk light assault dude all around a base before he ran back in his protected spawning room I drove off and he and one of his buddies - playing heavy assault - approached me from behind. I swung the turret around and BAMBAMBAMBAMBAM! Two death NC troops. The fourth one I just gunned down in cold blood. Boring!

So am I getting better? I can't tell. I'll have to play more to find out.